Dreambox Image Install With Flash Wizard Pro 7020 Sayl

Workbook 7 naumova photos. FlashWizard PRO is a powerful firmware installer for Dreambox DM7000 - DM 500 - DM 56x0, with channels, bouquets, settings and timerlist copy and restore options. FlashWizard allows to install Dreambox images directly from Windows desktop via drag and drop, performing automatically all the needed procedures (including reboot and flash erase).

Schnell-Navigation / Quick-Links: » » » Flash Wizard 6.3 Multidreambox Flash Wizard 6.3 Multidreambox Autor Beitrag « » Super Moderator Flash Wizard 6.3 Multidreambox Release 6.3 Release 6.3 - Multidreambox!! FlashWizard can now address up to 10 dreamboxes, each one with its Name, IP, Login, Passwd, Multiboot used devices, NFS share status, NFS ip, NFS shared directory.

You can easily select the target machine from a drop down list, on any window (Flash and Multiboot), before starting install procedure. All parameters are set-up on Configuration and Utilities panel. The connection parameters for all dreamboxes are saved to 'fwconnections.ini' file, the file is encrypted and the passwords are hidden while FW is running. To preserve your connection data, keep that file, and replace it in FlashWizard's folder when you will upgrade to a new program release. - Channels and Favourites are now saved in different 'MyLastSettings' dirs, depending on which dreambox is selected. - Fixed recognizing of old.fwz files in multiboot restore.

- Fixed message when trying to install.nfi image on flash (not yet supported) - FW7020: Revised bootmenu's install/upgrade procedures reupload by cds1968 Dateianhang: ( 1,07 MB, 8.465 mal heruntergeladen) 07:59.